1 (800) 220-8611

Today’s Processing Platform Traffic Report – No incidents to report

SafeSave Payment Services will NEVER contact you with a request for merchant account/processing information of any kind.
Should you ever receive an inquiry like this, please do NOT share any of your information with the inquiring party.
They are NOT affiliated with SafeSave Payment Services.
PLEASE contact us at 800-220-8611 Option 1 to report any incidents, of this nature, that you experience.
Thank you ~

SafeSave Phone Support Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday from 9:05 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. – EST.
This provides our staff a designated window of time for lunch breaks, meetings, follow ups, etc.

We appreciate all of our customers and look forward to serving your needs as they arise.

Partner With Us

If you are a software company and want to fully monetize and simplify the payment experience, we’d love to hear from you.

With SafeSave, we’ve improved our e-commerce payment solutions both operationally and from a customer experience standpoint due to their simple, streamlined payment process and outstanding customer service.

The team has greatly benefited from SafeSave’s expert strategy advice and support. Our partnership with SafeSave has led to explosive growth in our processing royalties, which are at least 50% higher than they would have been if we stayed with our former processing partner.”

Co-Founder, President

of a Class Management Software Provider

Rewards that really pay

Partners are welcome to join our lucrative revenue share programs. Rewards are issued along with thorough transparent reports that outline your benefits.